Editing Problems

Editing Problems

Adding/linking Objectives to a Problem

Navigate to the “Frame“ → “Problem“ Tab and locate the Problem you want to add objectives to, either via the Problem list or searching via the search bar.

Open the Problem by either clicking on the problem in the dropdown list from the search bar or by clicking the “Open“ arrow icon on a Problem in the Problem list.

Once the Problem is open click the “Add Objectives” plus icon to open up the “Add Objectives“ popup.

Clicking in the Objectives text field will open up a dropdown list of all objectives in the current Story Map. Users can select one of those Objectives or type and select the top option with the postfix of “(NEW)“ to create a new Objective and add it to the Problem.

Users can also check the “Search Globally across all Story Map“ checkbox in the search field to search for Objectives across all Story Maps.

Once an Objective is selected, click the “ADD“ button in the bottom right to add/link it to the Problem.

Note: If an Objective is selected from another Story Map that doesn’t exist in the current Story Map it will be automatically added to the current Story Map and then linked to the Problem.

Marking a Problem as Solved

Users can mark a Problem as solved/unsolved. This is done by opening a Problem from the “Frame“ → “Problem“ Tab and clicking the “Solved“ checkbox.