User authentication

User authentication

User Authentication management

StorYd Software uses Firebase Authentication. This is an authentication solution provided by Google as part of their Firebase platform offering. Firebase Authentication handles user identity management, client-side session management, and database access through Firebase Security rules.

Users list

Only Users in the Users list can sign up and have access to the application. This list is managed by an Admin or Super Admin. When the site is set up for a company, you will need to provide a company email domain (e.g. “bob@somecompany.com.au” will have the domain of “somecompany.com.au”). For improved security, only users with an email address in that domain can be added as a User and subsequently only users with an email address in that domain can have access to the application.


StorYd currently offers the following sign-in methods

  1. Google

  2. Microsoft

  3. OIDC

  4. Email and Password


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